Science 2º

Science 2º

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UNIT 1 – We love our body

How muscles work

Five senses

Joints song 

Bones, muscles and joints

UNIT 2 – We look after our body

Healthy eating, the new food pyramid

Personal Hygiene Drawing

Five food groups

Food: plants or animals

UNIT 3 – We like animals

Animal groups

Vertebrate animals: Mammals, fish, amphibians and reptiles


Invertebrates (part 2)

UNIT 4 – We protect plants

Parts of a plant

Parts of a flower

Plant types

Plants reproduction

Plants reproduction (II)

UNIT 5 – We recycle materials

The scientific method

Science – How It Works

States of matter

Pure substances and mixtures

Properties of Materials THIS or THAT Game



Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

UNIT 6 – We use technology responsibly

Digital devices

What is internet?

Internet and the search of information

Computer programs

The safe use of technology



UNIT 1 – We explore different landscapes

Physical and human features

Coastal landscapes 

Inland landscapes


UNIT 2 – We love our neighborhood

Rules in the neighbourhood

Road safety

UNIT 3 – We work efficiently

Types of jobs

            Types of shops

UNIT 4 – We need air and water

   States of water

Water bodies

Water cycle


Weather and instruments

UNIT 5 – We discover the Universe

The solar system

World map

Rotation and Revolution of Earth

Moon phases

UNIT 6 – We investigate our history

Family tree

Present, Past, Future


Marie Curie


Mozart – Alla Turca

Más noticias que leer



El alumnado de 1º y 2º de Ed. Primaria hemos tenido la gran suerte de ir a visitar agariMOS. Milucho, Begoña y el reción nacido

Primary 1º

  UNIT 0 -Hello! What´s your name. Numbers. The Alphabet Chant. UNIT 1 – At school Colours of the rainbow. Classroom objects. What is it?