Trick or treat Halloween fun 2017!

Trick or treat Halloween fun 2017!

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Los peques de Infantil se han estado preparando para Halloween realizando diferentes actividades tales como aprender canciones y costumbres propias de esta festividad, manualidades e incluso han conseguido un fantasmita en el Truco o Trato. Todo ello, por supuesto en inglés con la ayuda de la Teacher.

Que bien se lo pasaron!

Happy Halloween!!!!!

scary, scary!!!!!

The Little ones from Reception and Key Stage 1 have been doing different activities for Halloween, such as learning songs, knowing about the customs  of this festivity, crafts and they´ve also participated in the Trick or Treat game with the help of the English Teacher.

They´ve had a great time!

Happy Halloween!!!1

scary, scary!!!!!!!


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