3rd Term NATURAL TASKS -Primary-

3rd Term NATURAL TASKS -Primary-

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Hello daddies and moms. In Natural Sciences we have made a mural with the different parts of plants. the kids have colored and stuckthe words on a cardboard.

Fotos Tasks natural


In the Natural course we studied the plants. And we have made a bookmark.

Sin título 8


As a final task we have decided to collect some of the videos we saw in class during this course to remember everything we learned. Next year we will expand the list of 3rd of Primary and start with 4th of Primary.

Click on the picture to watch our Science Channel!

Units 1 to 6

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To review the unit of light, we did an interactive summary with pictures, key words and drawings. This is the result!

IMG 1097



In this term, our fifth grade students have experimented with forces like friction, speed or gravity and about some simple machines as levers and their parts. They applied forces and used this machines to everyday activities and some simple experiments, knowing more of the importance this forces have on our everyday lifes and routines.Task Natural 5th


Students have made a mural showing some of the most recent inventions that have changed our world as we have seen within the lessons we have been studying this evaluation about «Energy» and «Machines».

IMG 7509

Más noticias que leer

Primary 6º

STARTER UNIT So and such UNIT 1 – The world of work Will Going to Future Tenses UNIT 2 – Health and medicine Ought to

Primary 5º

UNIT 1 – Travel in the city Present perfect Present perfect ever/never    Present perfect for/since Giving directions UNIT 2 – The seasons Future predictions